Privacy focused AI assistant

In the age of digital convenience, the need for privacy has never been more critical. We are excited to introduce a revolutionary privacy-focused AI assistant integrated into SNote. This intelligent assistant is designed to help you with tasks like summarizing key points, extracting essential information, and acting as your writing assistant - all while ensuring your data remains private and secure.


Performing actions on existing text

Use SNote AI Assistant to perform useful tasks on existing documents or selections.

Summarize existing content: After you’ve written something, SNote AI Assistant can extract key points to create a high-level summary. This is handy for quickly recapping research proposals, product specs, or meeting notes.

Fix spelling and grammar: SNote AI has a built-in spell check and grammar correction feature to proofread your text. No more worrying about pesky typos or misplaced commas.

Translate content: Easily convert your written content into another language with SNote AI’s translation feature.

Change tone of voice: Adjust the tone of your content to be more formal or casual as needed.

AI Writing assistant

Feel stuck on what’s next? Use the assistant to spark your creativity.

Brainstorm ideas: When writer’s block hits, ask SNote AI to generate ideas. It can help you come up with names for your startup or costumes for an upcoming party, providing the inspiration you need.

Write a rough draft: Whether it’s a blog post, Instagram caption, email, or poem, SNote AI can create an initial draft by pulling from millions of examples. Some sentences might be great, others less so, but that’s where the fun begins: editing and shaping the perfect final draft that is uniquely yours.

Generate Pros and Cons List: Need to make a decision? SNote AI can help you weigh your options by generating a pros and cons list. This feature is perfect for evaluating choices, from big decisions like choosing a new job to smaller ones like picking a weekend activity.

Privacy focused AI

SNote AI prioritizes your privacy. Unlike other services, we never store your data. Your information is used solely for your requests and never shared with third parties or used for training AI models. Our AI models run on secure servers that are inaccessible to anyone, including us.