Private Sharing & Collaboration

SNote is designed to facilitate unparalleled collaboration among teams, peers, and families, all while ensuring the utmost protection of your data through end-to-end encryption. This allows you to work together safely and efficiently. Additionally, our customizable permission levels guarantee that your content is accessed precisely in the manner you intend.

Share menu

The share menu, positioned in the upper-right corner of your page, allows you to add new collaborators, see who is currently collaborating, and adjust editing and sharing permissions.


Share with user

To invite a new collaborator to a note, click on the "Add people email address" search box, and enter the email address of the person you wish to add. Please ensure the user has an SNote account, as all sharing and collaboration activities are secured through end-to-end encryption.


Sharing permissions

SNote offers various levels of editing permissions to suit your collaboration needs. When you add someone to a note, or view the list of collaborators in the share menu, you will notice dropdown menus to the right of each person's name. These menus allow you to assign specific access levels: Full Access, Can Edit and View Only.

  • Full Access: People with full access to a note can edit any of the content it contains and share the note with anyone they want.
  • Can Edit: Select this level of access for people who should be able to edit the content on the note, but not share it.
  • View Only: People with this level of access can read the content on the note, but not edit it. They also can't share it with others.

Stop sharing

If you have Full Access to a note, you can disable sharing with anyone at any time. Open the share menu, click the person you want to remove and select Remove.